CARB has been implementing the flowing programs:
- Jagoron Loan Program
- Agrosor Loan Program
- Agriculture Sector Loan Program
- Sufolon Loan Program
- Housing Loan Program
- Groundwater Monitoring, Resource Assessment & Management Unit
- CARB village Sub-Project
- Pure Drinking Water Supply Program
- Agriculture unit and Fisheries & Livestock unit Program.
- Learning and Innovation Fund to Test New Ideas (LIFT) Cuchia Program.
Foundation Phase (1998-1999) | · CARB Started Groundwater quality and level monitoring program. |
· CARB Initiated Soil Testing for application of proper doses of fertilizer | |
· CARB Started Command Area Development | |
· CARB lunched Supply of quality seeds | |
· CARB started Afforestation on Ayl (Bund) of irrigated land | |
· Education Program launched | |
Reformative Phase (2000-2001) | · Pilot Agricultural Loan Program · CARB piloted Farm Labour to Farmer Program: (FLFP) |
Financial Products specialization Phase (2001- till date) | · CARB started Jagoron Loan Program · CARB started Agrosor Loan Program · CARB started Agriculture Loan Program · CARB started Mechanization Loan Program |
Others (2002-2009) | · CARB starts Village Farm Forestry Project (VFFP) · CARB setup Deep tube-well for Supply of Pure Drinking Water · CARB jointly starts with PKSF Micro Finance for Marginal & Small Farmers Project |
2011- till date | Commence Housing Loan for the landless poor people by the financial assistance of Bangladesh Bank. |
2014- till date | CARB commence Sufolon Loan program by the financial assistance of PKSF. |
2017-2022 | Agriculture unit and Fisheries & Livestock unit program launched by the financial assistance of PKSF. |
2018-2021 | Learning and Innovation Fund to Test New Ideas (LIFT) Cuchia Program launched by the financial assistance of PKSF.. |
Microfinance Scenario with Special Reference to Agricultural Credit in Bangladesh

Poverty alleviation is one of the most important objectives of developing countries. A promising strategy to reach these objectives seems to be access to credit for the poor, so that new opportunities can be created to improve incomes. Microfinance programs, which are specifically targeted on the poor, constitute a major tool improving the standard of leaving without creating dependency and encourage them to take part in the economic process. The concept of microfinance is not new in Bangladesh. Its origin lies in the numerous traditional and informal systems of credit that have existed in developing economies since centuries. Many of the current microfinance practices derive from community-based mutual credit transactions that were based on trust, Peer-based non-collateral borrowing and repayment.
Non-government organizations (NGO) and international donor organizations see microfinance as a mean for providing more efficient aid to poor families in rural areas. In Bangladesh the sources of loan fund are from mainly financial institutions, Bangladesh Bank, Commercial Bank, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), Beneficiaries savings, revolving capital fund and Donors to specialized intermediaries can be transform into small credits extended to the poor, allowing them to develop activities. Credit is no regarded as an input but rather as an engine for growth. Basically microfinance is the provision of a broad range of financial services such as deposits (Savings), loans, payment services, money transfers and insurance to poor and low-income households and their enterprises. Microfinance goes beyond the access to and the distribution of money. It enters into the deeper issue of how money is used, invested and how savings are done. Microfinance is even more than the supply of financial services. It is a way to give people access to new opportunities. Together with the ability to increase their income, they receive information and training and learn how to manage their money. Microfinance therefore also encloses issues as: organizational and operational aspects, leadership development, trust building, small enterprise management, education and information transfer. Empowering the people improves their self-confidence and will make them feel more confident to enter into the economic, social and political life of the society. These non-financial service define the specific character of microfinance and make microfinance programs so valuable.
The Bangladesh micro-finance sector is regarded as the largest and most efficient in the world. The cost per borrower in Bangladesh is also much lower than in other Asian countries. Considering the 160 million population and the 24.3% living below the poverty line, there is still abundant scope for growth. Bangladeshi Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) have advanced from being development partner-supported entities towards self-sufficient institutions supported by commercial financing. A majority of the loan portfolio of the MFIs is targeted towards agriculture. The present government is also very pro-poor and the Central Bank has directed all banks to provide credit directly to agri-business or through MFI-linkage at competitive rates. The directive was followed by a few large syndications in the market for the MFIs. However, the primary sources of financing for smaller MFIs still remain members’ deposits and Palli-Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) funds.
Now that Bangladesh has established the Microcredit Regulatory (MRA) Act 2006 and a Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA) Act 2010, we expect uniform reporting requirements and performance assessment procedure, proper policy guidelines, a central database of micro-borrowers, and active support for MFIs to become more vibrant for the greater interest of social and economic emancipation. The micro-finance industry is now at a crossroads, and to take it to the next trajectory we have to increase our standards of reporting as well as processing, ensure wider coverage with timely recovery, integrate micro-finance into the mainstream financial system and, in the process, set global standards for others to follow.
CARB Micro finance Programme
CARB has been focused agricultural credit disbursement to the small and marginal farmers for enhancing agricultural production than its other microfinance products from its inception. To bring the small & marginal farmers and rural poor women into mainstream development, CARB focuses on institution building as a strategy. Organization believes that a common platform that is created and owned by the beneficiaries is a prerequisite through which the members can make themselves count in the development process. The group is an association of the small & marginal farmers and poor women, who come together with the help of CARB to try and improve their socio economic position. CARB’s approach to economic and social development of the poor, especially small & marginal farmers, involves three interrelated strategies: service delivery, institution building and wider social mobilization.
With regard to institution building, the groups are the primary organizations that CARB seeks to help establish and strengthen. Each group is constituted of several small groups that vet applications and provide group guarantee for CARB loans. The group members will meet regularly (weekly, biweekly and monthly). During those meetings the proposed loan used of new borrowers will be screened and it will be decided in group whether the proposal are acceptable. Once the loan has been given to borrower, the group will follow up the profit of the investment made, repayment are collected individually, but per group. If one borrower can’t pay, the group has to take care of the repayment by dividing the debt among the group members. New loans depend on good repayment rates for the entire group, so that there is an incentive to timely reimburse installments of all group members. This leads to social pressure between group members and functions as social collateral. In many cases prospective members are asked to form groups by themselves. By making their own selection of trustworthy individuals, the chances of having contribute for other group members diminishes and repayment rates increase.
CARB offers various types of credits and savings to its members in the rural as well as urban areas. About 16367 members are enjoying CARB’s flexible financial services for 25 years. CARB’s tailor made credit support to the specific target group help them to increase their production and buildup confidence for sustainable development. Lack of access to the formal banking system, CARB provides micro-finance support services to the small & marginal farmers for increasing agricultural production. Through this process CARB’s microfinance programme works to create a self-sustaining and reliable financial service program for the poor. CARB microfinance program has some key features which assist its program beneficiaries in their efforts to come out of poverty. The features include the provision of the savings, loan, death benefits, management information system, and administrative efficiency. Let us briefly see the first six features below.
- Savings
The Integration of a saving component in microfinance program has different functions:
- By linking a savings product to microfinance program, people learn the principles of savings and money management, and acquire the habit of savings. Savings are a safe guard for households recovering from poverty to face unexpected events and dramas.
- Savings are a relatively cheap source of funds for microfinance program, as the interest rates to attract savings are usually less than those that have to be paid to borrow funds commercially. With these extra funds, new borrower can be attracted, who in their turn generate capital by depositing savings. The accumulation of capital for loans is of major importance for the sustainability of a program. There is danger that introducing a credit model without a saving mechanism may induce undesirable dependency on external funds.
- Since there is a higher motivation of the borrowers to pay back loans that are partly financed by the savings of the people of community, a bigger involvement and as a consequence, a higher repayment rate can be expected.
- Savings contribute to the accumulation of capital in community.
- All beneficiaries have the opportunity to save with CARB, which will give them 6% benefit at the end of the year. This savings fund will act as a security fund for the beneficiaries during the time of their needs. CARB has given special emphasis on the member savings as it will raise their self-esteem and empower them. At the same time, there is a better opportunity for getting a larger amount of loan if the member has much more amount of savings.
- CARB has two types of savings for its beneficiaries that are regular savings and voluntary savings. The amount of savings deposit varies from 50.00 to 300.00 tk. in different loan product. Usually members deposit their savings in the meeting day.
- Loan:
The general objective of CARB microfinance programs is to tackle poverty but every programs has its specific objective(s). CARB is implementing 6 (Six) types of microfinance programs which are 2.1. Jagoron, 2.2. Agrosor, 2.3. Agriculture, 2.4. Sufolon, 2.5. Housing & 2.6. Farm and Irrigation Equipment Loan to cater to the needs of poor people with different occupations. Credit services offered in these six loan products differ in terms of employment opportunities, and certain conditions apply during loan applications.
2.1. Jagoron:
Jagoron loan program is a tool for the alleviation of poverty and empowering the poor. Lack of access of the formal banking deprives them of the facilities to borrow, save, and invest in productive activities. Making credit available to the rural poor enables them to become involved in income generating activities, which in return, allows them to be economically self-reliant. Through this process CARB Jagoron program works to create a self-sustaining and reliable financial service program for the poor, especially women. CARB provides to its group members to initiate different income generation activities. While loans for individual do not require collateral, members must have some savings with CARB before they are eligible for loans. Credit operations are carried out through a revolving loan Fund (RLF). This RLF consists of loan from commercial bank, member’s savings, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) loan and other loans. Loans realized are credited to and form part of the RLF for extending further credit. Loan loss reserve is kept to cover the risk of bad debts and death risk. Regular borrowing and payments allow the borrower to take higher loans. It has Vision in the society where:
- The poor and the disadvantaged will be able to achieve sustainable improvement in their livelihoods,
- Attain a high degree of self-reliance and manage their own affairs with dignity and freedom.
- Target Group Selection:
Field officer select the target group from the survey forms CARB has a set criteria as to who can be considered as a member for this program. The criteria for the proper target selection are:
- Should be aged between 18 – 60 years
- Hard day laborers, who rent manual labor (non-farm)
- Farmer laborers who have less than 100 decimal of land.
- Should not belong to any other NGO.
- Small businessmen and traders who run their own business on a daily basis to earn their daily livelihood.
- Member Selection:
Member are selected according to the member selection criteria set by CARB. The MF staff must follow this guideline as the sustainability of the Program lies with the members and their repayment pattern. The member selection criteria set forth by CARB are:
- Should be aged between 18 – 60 years
- Only one member per household
- Must be a resident of the village/area for at least for 5 years
- Information about the prospect member’s past (behavior, law, Character, etc.)
- Prospects with land area of 0 – 50 decimal are preferred.
- Prospects must not belong to any other NGO(s).
- Prospective members should be living within the 500 meter boundary of the groups.
- Windows are encouraged to join a group.
- Key Features of Jagoron Loan Program :
Loan range : 5,000/- to 99,000/- Tk.
Service Charge : 12.80% (Flat rate)
Mode of Payment : Weekly
Repayment period : 1 (One) Year (equal 45 instalments and no of 46 installment per thousand 5 tk. only as service charge).
Loan products : Mostly crop and non-crop agriculture, small trading, transport and other family-based small business.
Savings : Weekly 50/- tk Monthly 200/- tk.
Death benefits : This provision states that when an existing member or key earning person in his/her family member passes away, then the organization will pay the deceased members family a some of amount which is equal to his/her present loan outstanding.
Cumulative loan has been disbursed as of June 2024, number of loans 31196 and taka 108,30,15,000/-, against of this disbursement cumulative realization is number of loans 25239and taka 94,76,87,271/-. Loan outstanding as of June 2024, number of borrowers 5957 and taka 13,53,27,729/-.
2.2 Agrosor
Agrosor loan program was initiated to provide loans to small enterprises with growth potential. The program aims to generate income and create new employment through enterprise development in the rural and urban area. The working area of Agrosor program is usually 8 km. from branch office. With a 8 km. radius Field Officer has ground to cover in search for potential clients. Entrepreneur selection is very significant for this program to operate smoothly. The field officer has to conduct a survey in community to find out facts needed to run the program. At the same time, the Field Officer should make a list of all prospective clients and maintain a register. In this register, the names of potential clients, their address, name of the business, investment, and a probable amount of Agrosor loan needed are noted. The program extends loans on individual basis. In other words, the loan is given to business rather than an individuals the loan is for the individual for use in their specific business, like Stationary, Grocery, Metal works, Furniture etc.
- Objectives of the program
CARB has been started this program with the following aims and objectives:
- Provide credit facilities and technical assistance to existing business whose access to formal financial institutions is limited.
- Provide loan through a simple loaning process that encourage rural people to come forward and taka loan without delay.
- Provide opportunity to the small and medium enterprise that fall within the working area of the CARB others microfinance loan products.
- Motivate small and medium entrepreneurs in the rural and urban areas to do better, thus creating jobs opportunities.
- Provide valuable information about production and marketing of products.
- Motivate small and medium enterprises to produce better products that are of good quality.
- Provide financial assistance to those individuals who do not fall in the Microfinance target group or do not have the access to the formal financial institutions.
- Enterprise selection criteria
It is very essential that the Field Officer selects the proper borrower as the loan amount is much higher and timely repayment is essential.
- The business must be legal and accepted in the community.
- The business must be legally registered.
- The business should have growth potential.
- The location of the business must be in a market place with good communication.
- If there is (are) any problem(s) with the business, evaluate it (them), and then give loan accordingly.
- Entrepreneur / Borrower selection criteria
- The entrepreneur has to be organized.
- The entrepreneur has to be efficient and capable.
- The entrepreneur has to be ambitious.
- The entrepreneur must be aged between 25 to 60 years.
- The entrepreneur has to be experienced and knowledgeable of the business.
- Guarantor selection criteria
The guarantor is extremely important in order for the Agrosor loan program to operate smoothly and the guarantee of the loan repayment. The following criteria must be verified before any loan is approved.
- The guarantor must be a socially accepted person.
- The guarantor must have a clear concept about Agrosor loan program.
- The guarantor must have the ability to pay the loan (or installments) if the borrower defaults.
- The guarantor must be aged between 25 to 60 years.
- The guarantor cannot be form the same household as the applicant.
- The guarantor must be permanent resident of the community.
- If the business operates in a rented or leased property, then the owner of the property can be guarantor.
- Key Features of Agrosor Loan Program
Loan range : 50,000/- to 10,00,000/- Tk.
Service Charge : 13% (Flat rate)
Mode of Payment : Monthly/Weekly
Repayment period : 1 – 2 Years (equal 12 – 24 instalments).
Loan products : Legal small and medium enterprises.
Savings : Monthly 250/- tk.
Death benefits : This provision states that when an existing member or key earning person in his/her family member passes away, then the organization will pay the deceased members family a some of amount which is equal to his/her present loan outstanding.
Cumulative loan has been disbursed as of June 2024, number of loans 8457 and taka 87,67,02000/-, against of this disbursement cumulative realization is number of loans 5490 and taka 73,64,27,976/-. Loan outstanding as of June 2024, number of borrowers 2967 and taka 14,02,74,023/-.
2.3 Agricultural Sector Loan Program
Bangladesh is an agricultural country and more than 85 percent population of the country lives on it. The organization has taken different types of programs for developing the agricultural sector as well as the small and marginal farmers from the very beginning. CARB has launched this programme, along with PKSF, National Bank Limited and Southeast Bank Limited, to introduce further development in this sector in 2002. Duration of this loan is highest six months and loan size is tk. 5,000/- – 60,000/-. In the cultivation time CARB sanction this loan to cultivators for buying seeds, fertilizers, insecticide etc. and meet the irrigation costs from this loan. They repay only service charge in weekly basis with a very low rate of interest and principal amount after crop harvesting.
- Objectives of the program
CARB has been started this program with the following aims and objectives:
- To generate income and create employment opportunities, thus the increasing farm level income.
- To develop existing agro based enterprises by providing technical assistance and financial support.
- To increase agricultural production.
- To enhance agricultural practices.
- Living standard improvement and capacity development of the farmer families, and
- To support agricultural activities in order to reduce scarcity of food in Bangladesh through increased production, cost effectiveness and overall efficiency in agriculture sector.
- Target group selection
A set guideline would be followed when the target group for agriculture loan product are identified, those include.
- Small and marginal productive farmers aged between 18 to 60 years.
- Are involved in agricultural activities.
- Have others sources of income.
- Own land maximum 33 decimal, in some cases leasing land or crop sharing land up to 2 acore.
- Lack credit to buy inputs or enhancing production.
- Were involved in agricultural activities.
- Member selection
- The target members should have maximum 33 decimal own land, in some cases leasing land or crop sharing land up to 2 acore.
- The member’s age should be between 18 to 60 years and a permanent residence of the CARB working area for at least 5 years.
- The main earning member of the family can be member of this program. Basically who are involved with agricultural production.
- Only one person per household is allowed to be a member.
- Should not belong to any other MFI.
- Key Features of Agriculture Loan Program
Loan range : 5,000/- to 60,000/- Tk.
Service Charge : 24% (Reducing balance method)
Mode of Payment : Only service charge in weekly basis and principal amount after crop harvesting.
Repayment period : Maximum 26 weeks.
Loan products : Mostly Rice, Maize, Tomato, Vegetables, Potato, etc.
Savings : Weekly 50/- tk.
Death benefits : This provision states that when an existing member or key earning person in his/her family member passes away, then the organization will pay the deceased members family a some of amount which is equal to his/her present loan outstanding.
Cumulative loan has been disbursed as of June 2024, number of loans 95054 and taka 145,078,4,000/-, against of this disbursement cumulative realization is number of loans 92954 and taka 135,73,82,737/-. Loan outstanding as of June 2024, number of borrowers 2100 and taka 9,34,01,263/-.
2.4 Sufolon
Bangladesh’s rural economy, and specifically agriculture, have been powerful drivers of poverty reduction in Bangladesh since 2000. Indeed, agriculture accounted for 90 percent of the reduction in poverty in Bangladesh. More than 70 percent of Bangladesh’s population and 77 percent of its workforce lives in rural areas. Nearly half of all of Bangladesh’s workers and two-thirds in rural areas are directly employed by agriculture, and about 87 percent of rural households rely on agriculture for at least part of their income. Bangladesh’s growing middle-class Agriculture farmers who are involved with commercial agricultural productions. A growing middle-class has spurred demand in food consumption, food marketing promotions and activities. Bangladesh produces a variety of agricultural products such as rice, wheat, corn, legumes, fruits, vegetables, chicken meat, fish etc. Rice is considered the main staple in the Bangladeshi diet. Bangladeshi agricultural products, such as vegetables, spices and fruits, could potentially supply these local businesses as they expand operations. The lack of access to finance has always been one of the major constraints for the farmers, in particular the middle class agro based entrepreneurs. Even, microfinance didn’t include the agricultural sector under its coverage purposely for a long time in Bangladesh. Higher degree of risk, subsequent failure records of the financial organizations working in the agriculture sector and the rigid microfinance operational modality hindered the inclusion of the farmers into the financial system. Therefore, the development of the farmers and the agricultural sector has always been deferred. Considering all the diversified needs and constraints of this particular sector, Organization has exclusively designed its Sufolon loan program by the financial assistance of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF). Many borrowers are moving ahead in Agricultural businesses by producing high value crops production very faster than others for many favorable reasons, such as vast and proximity to the market, presence of experienced farmers for a long time etc. CARB provides larger loans, called Sufolon loan program for these fast moving farmers.
- Objectives of the program
CARB has been started this program with the following aims and objectives:
- To generate income and create employment opportunities, thus the increasing farm level income.
- To develop existing agro based enterprises by providing technical assistance and financial support.
- To increase agricultural production.
- To enhance agricultural practices.
- Living standard improvement and capacity development of the farmer families, and
- To support agricultural activities in order to reduce scarcity of food in Bangladesh through increased production, cost effectiveness and overall efficiency in agriculture sector.
- Member selection
- The target members should have maximum 5 acore own land, in some cases leasing land or crop sharing land up to 10 acore.
- The member’s age should be between 18 to 60 years and a permanent residence of the CARB working area for at least 5 years.
- Commercials agriculture farmers, who are basically involved with commercial agriculture production and marketing.
- This is an individual loan only one person per household is allowed to be a member.
- Should not belong to any other MFI.
- Key Features of Sufolon Loan Program:
Loan range : 30,000/- to 60,000/- Tk.
Service Charge : 24% (Reducing balance method)
Mode of Payment : Only service charge in monthly basis and principal amount after crop harvesting.
Repayment period : Maximum 6 to 9 months.
Loan products : Mostly Rice, Maize, Tomato, Vegetables, Potato, Beef fattening, Goat rearing, Poultry rearing, Fish culture, Cow rearing, Agro-machinery, etc.
Savings : Monthly 250/- tk. .
Death benefits : This provision states that when an existing member or key earning person in his/her family member passes away, then the organization will pay the deceased members family a some of amount which is equal to his/her present loan outstanding.
Cumulative loan has been disbursed as of June 2024, number of loans 25771 and taka 267,55,31,000/-, against of this disbursement cumulative realization is number of loans 24147 and taka 261,21,58,621/-. Loan outstanding as of June 2024, number of borrowers 1624 and taka 6,33,72,379/-.
2.5 Housing
The housing situation in Bangladesh has never been satisfactory. The majority of dwelling units are temporary, sub-standard, unsafe and overcrowded. The ancillary physical, social and economic facilities and services essential for the development of healthy and harmonious community life are highly inadequate both in the urban and rural areas. Many of our beneficiaries does not have sufficient housing for safe living and protect their agricultural products and cattle. Considering their basic needs CARB introduced housing loan by financial assistance of Bangladesh Bank from 2012. It became a very attractive program for the borrowers.
- Objectives of the program
CARB has been started this program with the following aims and objectives:
- To help the safe houseless finally to build a safe house.
- To improve the living standard of houseless family.
- To protect safe living and protect their agricultural products.
- To develop a healthy and harmonious community.
- Member selection
- The target members should have safe house.
- Own land at least 5 decimal.
- Member should be involved with CARB others loan programs.
- Member should have ability to repay this loan by his/her other source of income.
- Should not belong to any other MFI.
- Key Features of Housing Loan Program:
Loan range : 1,30,000/- Tk.
Service Charge : 5.50% (Reducing balance method)
Mode of Payment : Monthly.
Repayment period : Monthly equal 36 installments.
Savings : Monthly 250/- tk.
Death benefits : This provision states that when an existing member or key earning person in his/her family member passes away, then the organization will pay the deceased members family a some of amount which is equal to his/her present loan outstanding.
Cumulative loan has been disbursed as of June 2024, number of loans 317 and taka 2,23,25,000 /-, against of this disbursement cumulative realization is number of loans 260 and taka 1,90,32,701-. Loan outstanding as of June 2024, number of borrowers 57 and taka 30,63,098/-.