

CARB- Centre for Action Research-Barind a non-government organization came into being in the year 1998. Now its Head Office is at Holding No-35, Terokadia,Cantonment Road,Rajshahi Cantonment Raipara, Rajshahi. For much of the past 45 years, agriculture in Bangladesh has been dominated by efforts to increase production of food grain to ensure food security. As a result of public and private investments in irrigation, dissemination of improved technology, and a favorable policy environment, food grain production reached and, infect, exceeded targeted availability during the time, which is a major milestone for Bangladesh. This breakthrough has coincided with a period of sustained economic growth, rising incomes, and rapid urbanization that has fostered widespread changes in customers demand for food. Consumers throughout Bangladesh are buying more high value foods, including fish, meat, fruits, vegetables and processed products. These structural changes in domestic food demand provide enormous new opportunities both on and off of the firm. At the initial stage the think tank of CARB Dr. M. Asaduzzaman, founder of this organization and the then Executive Director of Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA) discussed with some likeminded philanthropic peoples for how to help the disadvantage poor small and marginal farmers to raise their socio economic condition. After having a detail discussion with some benevolent social thinkers like Mr. Irsadul Haque (former secretary, Bangladesh), Sayed Rashid Ahmed join-puri (a spiritual leader), Dr. David Sutherland, Prof, John Gladwell, Prof: Ken Rushton and Mrs. Nusrat Razee some conceived ideas were reinforced to chalk out plans for the elevation of socio-economic condition of poor peasants of the Barind tract. Barind tract consists of an area of 34,654 sq. km of greater Dinajpur, Rangpur, Bogra, Pabna, Rajshahi and Chapai Nawabganj. As a result of the tectonic movement of the earth the bottom of the Tethys Sea was elevated in the Pleistocene era and this peculiar land with undulated soil-structure formed the Barind tract. In ancient times Barind tract was very fertile. It was covered by dense forest, green grassland and very fertile crop-fields. Farmers could produce maximum crops with minimum labour and the yield was beyond their expectations. The reputation of the fertility of land invited people from neighboring areas. People from Assam, Bihar, Santal Pargana, Meghalaya etc. rushed in groups in the Barind tract. The population was increased. To meet, the necessity of this highly increased population lofty frees were being cut down indiscriminately. As a result the fertile Barind tract was transferred from a fertile crop field to a desert-like area. Rainfall came down, temperature became too high and everywhere the claws of desertification were expanding. This horrible nature of climate alarmed the government. Several foreign experts were invited to test the possibility of extraction of underground water for the purpose of irrigation. The efforts of foreign experts became futile. They opined that the extraction of underground water for the purpose of irrigation would be too expensive. In the last decade of 20 th century an energetic young Agricultural Engineer of BADC, namely Dr. M. Asaduzzaman took his stand against the opinion of the foreign experts. He was of opinion that the extraction of underground water of Barind tract is quite possible and the use of this water for the purpose of irrigation is economic. At that time a new institution namely Barind Multi-purpose Development Authority (BMDA) was formed with a group of some dedicated officers of Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC). Dr. M. Asaduzzaman and his associates installed the first Deep Tube-well of Barind tract at Amtoli; Godagari of Rajshahi District. In course of time Dr. M. Asaduzzaman was promoted to the post of Executive Director, BMDA. Dr. M. Asaduzzaman fully used his innovative ideas. Within a time span of twenty years Dr. A. Zaman and his associates successfully installed about ten thousand Deep tube-wells. The dry desert-like Barind tract became green-Barind. The farmers of this area now cultivate their land thrice a year. Massive afforestation programme of BMDA under the leadership of Dr. Zaman covered the whole Barind tract with lofty trees of various species, Now a network of about 1700 km. long pucca-road communicate the scattered areas of Barind tract with one another. Road-communication has become a blessing to the poor-farmers. Now a days they can transport their crop to various local markets. The pipeline distribution of pure drinking water from overhead tanks connected with Deep tube-wells has saved the poor farmers from water borne diseases. People of Barind tract love Dr. Zaman as their kith and kin. Reasonably they call Dr. Zaman as the maker of green barind but alas! Time does not wait for anybody. Several year before his retirement Dr. Asaduzzaman was in a fix. He has passed most of his service life among the farmers and the wellbeing of the farmers of Barind was his long felt dream. What he would do for them after his retirement from government service? This question puzzled him. He discussed with his better half Nusrat Razee. Both of them had a close and sincere discussion with some benevolent social thinkers. All of them have noticed that the landless poor farmers of Barind tract face lots of hardships during their cultivation season. To minimize their hardships and to elevate their socio-economic condition, all of social thinkers chalked out a plan to establish an NGO. As a result of this benevolent discussion Centre for Action Research-Barind "CARB" came into being in 1998 at Village Amtoli under Godagari Upazila of Rajshahi District. And then that CARB has been developed through a synthesis of ideas from professionals working in many disciplines within Bangladesh and from abroad. CARB is a non-government organization created with government approval from Social Welfare Department, Joint Stock Companies & Firms and Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA) of Bangladesh.

Vision statement of CARB’s:

It wishes the minimization of poverty stringency among the poor, landless cultivators and marginal peasants. CARB dreams of a society which is free from hunger, poverty and the oppression of the local moneylenders. Its aim is to save the farmers from any sort of interest imposed by well to do moneylenders who encircle the poor by the curse of high rate of interest.The main features of CARB’s activities are the elevation of socio economic condition of the poor farmers, minimization of environmental degradation by massive afforestation, removal of all sorts of exploitation based on age, sex, religion and ethnicity. It also wants the empowerment of female and sex-equality. To achieve its goal CARB invites co-operation from like-minded organization.

Mission statement of CARB’s:

CARB works with people who face a lot of hardships in running their day to day life. Among these people there are landless farmers, farmers with a very scanty amount of lands, agricultural labour's and people living under poverty line. Very often their lives are dominated by extreme poverty.During the cultivation season they are incapable of buying seeds, fertilizers irrigation water,pesticides etc. As a result they are bound to take loan from moneylenders at a very high rate of interest. After harvest they awfully realize that more than 50% of their crops have been exhausted to repay the loan and its interest. So their permanent companion is poverty and stringency. There is no way out this curse. CARB has come forward to tear this net of curse. CARB sincerely wish to elevate the socio-economic condition of the farmers. CARB is always in search of friends and organizations that are eager to expand their helping hands for the eradication of poverty and elevation of socio-economic status of the poor farmersof Barind tract.

CARB’s Goal:
Agricultural reform and rural development through a process of developing, communicating, practicing and then implementing innovative ideas.

CARB’s Principles:
It is unquestionably easier to write about what should be done in development than to follow,practice and implement ideas in the field. The vision of CARB is to synthesize concepts, to put them into action in the field, and to practice and encourage sustainable rural development to the greatest extent possible.

CARB’s Working Method:
CARB will aim to act as a ‘seed bed’ and field laboratory’ to use, and cultivate, good ideas and see that they are put into practice. CARB has local field staff and access to many national and international advisers to assist in the development and carrying out of action research.

Scope of CARB’s Actions Research:
CARB has many long-term objectives and is keen and equipped to work with organizations in Agro-environmental schemes, agronomy, water management, energy use, social development, gender issues,health and education.

The key objectives of CARB are to assist farmers in developing ideas in commercial Irrigated agriculture.

  • Water Management
  • Crop diversification
  • Crop Insurance
  • Agricultural Product Marketing
  • Adoption of appropriate technology in agricultural reform and rural development
  • Conservation of natural resources
  • Income generation
  • Welfare of the poor and handicapped
  • Sanitation and water supply
  • Greater employment of Women
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