CARB- Centre for Action Research-Barind is a not-for-profit organization which came into being on August 6, 1998 with a view to work for the small and marginal farmers for raising their socio economic conditions through agricultural credit support. It is a specialized micro-finance institution that provide high quality flexible financial service to small and marginal farmers. To meet their needs it has launched Jagoron, Agrosor, Sufolon, Agriculture and Housing all these five loan products, general and special savings, member welfare and crop insurance scheme. The organization has also a disaster mitigation program for the affected people in the microfinance. It has been achieving milestones of success and eventually attained financial sustainability.
There are three categories of customers who are selected based on some specific criteria:
- Small and Marginal Farmers
- Small and marginal productive farmers aged between 18 to 60 years of age.
- Are involved in agricultural activities.
- Have other sources of income.
- Have highest 1 acore own land, in some cases of leasing land.
- Lack credit to buy agricultural inputs for enhancing production.
- Were involved in Agricultural production or Poultry Livestock & Fish Culture activities.
- Moderate Poor
- Should be aged between 18 to 60 years of age.
- Hard day laborers, who rent manual labor.
- Who have lass then 1 bigha of land.
- Should not belong to any other NGO.
- Small businessmen and traders who run their own business on a daily basis to earn their daily livelihood.
- Small Entrepreneur
- Mostly agro based entrepreneur and some cases of nonfarm entrepreneur.
- The business must be legal and accepted in the community.
- Must have legal registration.
- The business should have growth potential.
- The location of the business must in a market place with good communication.
- If there is (are) any problem (s) with the business, evaluate it (then, and then give loan accordingly).
CARB is registered with:
- The department Social Welfare, The people republic of Bangladesh. Regi. No. Rajsa-520/98, dated 19 November, 1998.
- Licensed from Micro-Credit Regulatory Authority (MRA). Licensed No. 02047-00565-00170, dated 16 March, 2008.
- The registered under the societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860. Regi. No. S-10704, dated 21 December, 2009.
- Tax Identification No. 827451501092.
CARB has established linkages with
- Credit and development forum (CDF)
- The federation of NGOs in Bangladesh (FNB).
Future Direction
CARB was originally conceived as demonstration model, with the intention of achieving sustainability providing range of high quality financial and technical services to small and marginal farmers. It has initiated an expansion program and it plans to raise the beneficiaries from present position 16376 to 20290 in 2025.
Strengthening Micro-Enterprise program
CARB is financing Micro-Enterprise client since its inception. Organization believes that Micro-Enterprise is an area where more investment should be forthcoming as this has good potential for employment and income generation. The organization wills priorities creating employment opportunities through processing sector enterprises.
Going Extensive Automation
Organization is contemplating full automation of its program in branches and head office level. In the meantime organization has been completed full automation of its all branches and head office.
Listening to Customers
- Respect the customers as valued clients.
- The program pivots on customers’ choice.
- Change rules and regulations based on customers’ liking and disliking.
Customers Empowerment
- Access to flexible and quality financial services for the small and marginal farmers.
- Enhanced money management capacity through savings and loan activities.
- Stress on the financial assets increase of customers.
Right to Access Information
- Customers have reserved every right to comply their saving and loan passbook with branch level transections.
- Customers have right to know what the organization is doing with their savings.
Financial Services is a Right of the Customers
- Customers need a safe place to keep savings.
- Customers have every right to withdraw savings whenever necessary.
Customers have a right for credit for their development and raising income.